this is what the history book taught us to be righteous is, and now the nationalists crucify anyone who dares to defy their far-right values and point out how they masquerade nationalism as patriotism (just like the german nazis), funny how the history always repeats itself and the majority of people grow to be on the wrong side of it
3.5。卿本佳人奈何直男啊!本剧应该叫Kit。比起糯糯软软的小莎,处处抢戏的Marlowe才是正主,才更像是个狂放不羁恃才傲物即将登临世界舞台的耀目天才。一句“why?says the spider to the fly”勾得我七魄少了三魂,我愿为Marlowe长penis做男同 // 《双人浴缸做运动》已购✔️